June 30, 2011

Salute the Brave

I had remembered I wanted to blog about this about a month ago when I first heard about it. I thought it was appropriate with Independence Day coming up.
Let me introduce you to Salute the Brave
Salute the Brave is a company a USC student started as a project for a class. Every Friday I receive e-mails from different people talking about the School of Business and the Friday before Memorial Day, Ryan Morris shared his story. Here is an excerpt from the e-mail:
"I decided to try something that could be a successful business, but still give back to a great cause. Salute The Brave hats was born. The idea is pretty simple. We produce a line of baseball caps that feature graphics saluting the brave men and women fighting for our country. Every time I sell a hat, I donate one to Operation Gratitude. Operation Gratitude sends care packages to soldiers who are deployed in harm’s way overseas, or who are back in the U.S. recovering from wounds suffered in service."
I love the message of this especially around Independence Day when we should all be grateful that there fellow Americans that will sacrifice their lives to allow us to keep our Independence.

There are a few different designs of the hats. They have state hats for Texas, North Carolina, and California which have a patch of the state on the side of the hat.
Kinda random thing about this company: I was checking out the company's twitter and it/he had tweeted to Tim McGraw that they would be at the same concert I went to. Sometime during Luke Bryan's set (I can't remember what song) I see Luke grab a hat from the crowd and it was one of the Salute the Brave hats! How cool and random is that?! I hope Luke wears it and gets the word out about this great company.
Go check out the website and buy a hat for you or a serviceman/woman that you know and give it to them for Independence Day and make sure to say thank you to them for all they do.   


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JulesTX said...

This is such a great idea - thanks for sharing !

pittsburghprepster said...

I truly love this, and what it stands for...and the action behind it. Thank you so much for sharing this!

Lyndsay said...

That such a great idea! Thanks for sharing! :)

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