May 27, 2011

Flashback to Discovery Zone

I'm linking up with SweetBef for Flashback Fridays!
One of my favorite places to spend my time in the 3rd and 4th grades was Discovery Zone!

If you never went to DZ, you seriously missed out. It was a great place to play with your friends. You could just run around and do all sorts of fun things as seen in the commercial. Discovery Zone was so cool, it was even on an episode of The Baby Sitters Club!
One of the best places within DZ was the ball pit. You could just fall into it and feel no pain. There were many ball fights in the pit.
Another fun thing at DZ was this kinda roller slide thing. When you went down it, you would kinda bounce up and down over every roll. From the pictures below you can tell how much fun it was to go down it.
For my ninth birthday, my two best friends and I went to DZ. I'm pretty sure this is what I would have tweeted back then...
If you remember Discover Zone, I hope you had fun flashing back!

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Simplyheather said...

That brings back so many memories. The ball room and the roller slide are what I remember most about it. My absolute favorite thing in the world was that slide.

Amber said...

Oh the ball pit. Good times!

Lauren said...

Haha that's awesome!! I remember DZ too, although Chuck E'Cheese was another fun place to have birthday parties and hang out :-)

Meghan said...

I loved DZ growing up! Too cool!

Anonymous said...

Yes! Discovery Zone was the place to be as a kid! Kids these days don't know how good we had it back then. I'm your newest follower!

Kmoney said...

The best part was jumping up and down on the bouncy things in the back of the jungle gym.

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